Robb Elmatti has a vision to see people develop their full potential through discipleship training, while
empowering them to find and live out their calling,
Robb has a diverse background in working with young people in various role in the Boys & Girls Clubs in Lake
County Florida including Chief Operations Officer & Unit Director. He spent four years in New Zealand as a part
of Youth With A Mission (YWAM) serving as Outdoor Coordinator for a missions training school and
Discipleship Training staff.
He also has serves as Program Director for the Pilgrim’s Survival Journey, an outdoor challenge and personal development program. He has led outreach teams in China, Fiji, Samoa, Costa Rica, and Honduras. Robb has a Bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management from Palm Beach Atlantic University, completed a YWAM Family Ministry School, and is an ordained minister.
Robb met his amazing wife Heather while working together with YWAM in New Zealand. Besides assisting with teaching at Empower School of Discipleship she also works as an Assistant Professor at Lake-Sumter State College teaching courses in speech communication, team building, and world religions.
Together they have 3 children Faith Ann, Hopeful, and Ian.